Steam Wrapper

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Low level methods¶

You can call any method from any of Steam API interfaces usingsteam.api.interface class. Let’s start with a quick example where wefetch user’s game library.

Start by importing interface class:

Call method GetOwnedGames of interface IPlayerService. We aregoing to fetch games of user with id 76561198017493014 and include allapplication information:

Since all method calls are lazy by default, this doesn’t do anything at all.We’ll need to either iterate over games, print it or access anyof its dictionary keys:

Don’t worry, resource isn’t fetched each time you access results.

You can disable laziness of interface by passing aggressive=Trueto its method:

You can also pass since (which translates to HTTP header If-Modified-Since)and timeout to method. By default, version is set to can be passed to send POST data with requests. By default no data is assumed and request typesare GET. Any number of additional keyword arguments are supported depending on the given method (see documentation).

High level methods¶

Following classes are convenience wrappers around Low level methods. kwargsare always passed to appropriate interface methods, so you can use all argumentsfrom previous section.


class steam.apps.app_list(**kwargs)

Retrieves a list of all Steam apps with their ID and localized name.


class steam.items.schema(app, lang=None, version=1, **kwargs)

Wrapper for item schema of certain games from Valve. Those are currentlyavailable (along with their ids):

  • 260 - Counter Strike: Source Beta
  • 440 - Team Fortress 2
  • 520 - Team Fortress 2 Public Beta
  • 570 - Dota 2
  • 620 - Portal 2
  • 710 - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Beta Dev
  • 816 - Dota 2 internal test
  • 841 - Portal 2 Beta
  • 205790 - Dota 2 (beta) test

Fetching schema of Team Fortress 2 (id 440) would look like:

Schema class is an iterator of steam.items.item() objects. There arealso other properties available:


Client schema URL


The ISO code of the language the instanceis localized to


Returns all attributes in the schema


Returns a map of all origins


Returns a dict of all possible qualities. The key(s) will be the ID,values are a tuple containing ID, name, localized name. To resolvea quality to a name intelligently use ‘_quality_definition’


Returns a dictionary of particle system dicts keyed by ID


Returns a list of ranks for weapons with kill tracking


Returns a dict with keys that are the value ofthe kill eater type attribute and values that are the namestring

class steam.items.item(item, schema=None)

Stores a single inventory item.

This is a simple wrapper around JSON representation of both schema andinventory items. It is composed mostly from item properties:

As convenience, item acts also as iterator of its attributes:

Following properties are available:


Returns a list of attributes

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Returns a tuple containing ID, name, and localized name of the quality


Returns the item’s inventory token (a bitfield),deprecated.


Returns a position in the inventory or -1 if there’s no positionavailable (i.e. an item hasn’t dropped yet or got displaced)


Returns a dict of classes that have the item equipped and in what slot


Returns a list of classes that _can_ use the item.


Returns the item’s ID in the schema.


Returns the item’s undecorated name


Returns the item’s type. e.g. “Kukri” for the Tribalman’s Shiv.If Valve failed to provide a translation the type will be the token withoutthe hash prefix.


URL to a small thumbnail sized image of the item, suitable for display in groups


URL to a full sized image of the item, for displaying ‘zoomed-in’ previews


Returns the item’s unique serial number if it has one


Returns the item’s original ID if it has one. This is the last “version”of the item before it was customized or otherwise changed


Returns the item’s level (e.g. 10 for The Axtinguisher) if it has one


Returns the item’s slot as a string, this includes “primary”,“secondary”, “melee”, and “head”. Note that this is the slotof the item as it appears in the schema, and not necessarilythe actual equipable slot. (see ‘equipped’)


Returns the item’s class(what you use in the game to equip it, not the craft class)


Returns the item’s class in the crafting system if it has one.This includes hat, craft_bar, or craft_token.


Returns the item’s custom name if it has one.


Returns the item’s custom description if it has one.


Returns the number of uses the item has,for example, a dueling mini-game has 5 uses by default



Returns the item’s default description if it has one


Returns the item’s minimum level(non-random levels will have the same min and max level)


Returns the item in the container, if there is one.This will be a standard item object.


Somewhat of a WORKAROUND since this flag is theresometimes, “cannot trade” is there sometimesand then there’s “always tradable”. Opposed toonly occasionally tradable when it feels like it.Attr 153 = cannot trade


Returns not craftable if the cannot craft flag exists. True, otherwise.


The full name of the item, generated dependingon things such as its quality, rank, the schema language,and so on.


Returns a list of tuples containing the proper localized kill eater type strings and their valuesaccording to set/type/value “order”


Returns the item’s rank (if it has one)as a dict that includes required score, name, and level.


Returns a list of all styles defined for the item


The current style the item is set to or None if the item has no styles


Returns a list of capabilities, these are flags for what the item can do or be done with


A dict containing item dependant metadata such as holiday restrictions, types, and properties used by the client. Do not assume a stable syntax.


Returns the item’s localized origin name

Steam Wrapper
class steam.items.item_attribute(attribute)

Wrapper around item attributes.

Following properties are available:


Returns a formatted value as a string


Returns a formatted description string (%s* tokens replaced) or None if unavailable


The attribute’s name


The attribute class, mostly non-useful except for console usage in some cases


The attribute ID, used for indexing the description blocks in the schema


Returns the attribute effect type (positive, negative, or neutral). This is not the same as the value type, see ‘value_type’


Tries to intelligently return the raw value based on schema data.See also: ‘value_int’ and ‘value_float’


Returns the attribute’s description string, ifit is intended to be printed with the value there willbe a “%s1” token somewhere in the string. Use‘formatted_description’ to build one automatically.


The attribute’s type, note that this is the type of the attribute’svalue and not its affect on the item (i.e. negative or positive). See‘type’ for that.


True if the attribute is “hidden”(not intended to be shown to the end user). Notethat hidden attributes also usually have no description string


Certain attributes have a user’s account informationassociated with it such as a gifted or crafted item.

A dict with two keys: ‘persona’ and ‘id64’.None if the attribute has no account information attached to it.

class steam.items.inventory(app, profile, schema=None, **kwargs)

Wrapper around player inventory.

Fetches inventory of player for given app id:

Since inventory endpoint returns just very basic structure, we have toprovide also schema if we want to work with fully populated steam.items.item()objects:

There is also single property:


The total number of cells in the inventory.This can be used to determine if the user has bought anexpander. This is NOT the number of items in the inventory, buthow many items CAN be stored in it. The actual current inventory sizecan be obtained by calling len on an inventory object

class steam.items.assets(app, lang=None, **kwargs)

Class for building asset catalogs

Fetches store assets for app id. Assets class acts as an iterator ofsteam.items.asset_item() objects.

If you care only about single currency, currency keyword argument inISO 4217 format is also accepted.

All available tags of assets are available in following property:


Returns a dict that is a map of the internal tag namesfor this catalog to the localized labels.

class steam.items.asset_item(asset, catalog)

Stores a single item from a steam asset catalog


Returns a dict containing tags and their localized labels as values


The price the item normally goes for, not including discounts.


Returns the most current price available, which may include sales/discounts


The asset “name” which is in fact a schema id of item.


class steam.loc.language(code=None)

Steam API localization tools and reference

If language is not specified, it defaults to English:

If language isn’t supported, __init__ raises steam.loc.LanguageUnsupportedError()


class steam.loc.LanguageUnsupportedError

Remote storage¶

Tools for probing Steam’s UGC file storage system. UGC itself means UserGenerated Content but in this context assume that such terms as “UGC ID” arespecific to Valve’s system. UGC IDs are found in various places in the API andSteam including decal attributes on TF2 items.

Practically speaking the purpose of ugc_file is similar to that ofsteam.user.vanity_url. Namely to convert an arbitrary ID intosomething useful like a direct URL.

class steam.remote_storage.ugc_file(appid, ugcid64, **kwargs)

Resolves a UGC file ID into usable metadata.

Fetches UGC file metadata for the given UGC and app ID.



Size in bytes


Local filename is what the user named it, not the URL


UGC link

class steam.remote_storage.FileNotFoundError


class steam.user.vanity_url(vanity, **kwargs)

Class for holding a vanity URL and its id64

class steam.user.profile(sid, **kwargs)

Functions for reading user account data


Returns the 64 bit steam ID (use with other API requests)


Returns the 32 bit steam ID


Returns the user’s persona (what you usually see in-game)


Returns a URL to the user’s Community profile page


Returns the user’s vanity url if it exists, None otherwise


Returns the user’s status.0: offline1: online2: busy3: away4: snooze5: looking to trade6: looking to playIf player’s profile is private, this will always be 0.


Returns the visibility setting of the profile.1: private2: friends only3: public


Returns true if the user has created a Community profile


Returns the last time the user was online as a localtimetime.struct_time struct


Returns true if the profile allows public comments


Returns the user’s real name if it’s set and public


Returns the user’s primary group ID if set.


Returns the account creation date as a localtime time.struct_timestruct if public


Returns a tuple of 3 elements (each of which may be None if not available):Current game app ID, server ip:port, misc. extra info (eg. game title)


Returns a tuple of 2 elements (each of which may be None if not available):State ISO code, country ISO code


Returns a lobbynumber as int from few Source games or 0 if not in lobby.


Returns the the user’s profile level, note that this runs a separaterequest because the profile level data isn’t in the standard player summaryoutput even though it should be. Which is also why it’s not implementedas a separate class. You won’t need this output and not the profile output

classmethod from_def(obj)

Builds a profile object from a raw player summary object


Steam Wrapper Mac

Returns a tuple of 3 elements (each of which may be None if not available):Current game app ID, server ip:port, misc. extra info (eg. game title)

class steam.user.profile_batch(sids)
class steam.user.bans(sid, **kwargs)

Community banned


User is currently VAC banned


Number of VAC bans on record


Number of days since the last ban.Note that users without a ban on record will havethis set to 0 so make sure to test bans.vac


Economy ban status which is a string for whatever reason


Number of bans in games, this includes CS:GO Overwatch bans

classmethod from_def(obj)
class steam.user.bans_batch(sids)
class steam.user.friend(friend_dict)

Class used to store friend obtained from GetFriendList.


Returns the 64 bit Steam ID


Returns relationship qualifier


Returns date when relationship was created as a localtime time.struct_time

class steam.user.friend_list(sid, relationship='all', **kwargs)

Creates an iterator of friend objects fetched from given user’s Steam ID.Allows for filtering by specyfing relationship argument in constructor,but API seems to always return items with friend relationship.Possible filter values: all, friend.


Returns number of friends

I noticed the considerable contributions of Relfos (here) and thecocce (Lazarus forum) to the theme. Their approach requires to build a custom DLL (with Visual Studio) against the current Steamworks SDK, if I'm right. So every time the Steamworks SDK gets updated, someone has to update the custom DLL too, I guess. Perhaps you can stay with a certain SDK version over time. But if you don't have yet any SDK you have to download the current version and rely on an appropriate custom DLL.
Anyway the Steamworks API, although being a C++ construct, provides at least some simple C-functions for init and shut-down (steam_api.h). So in Pascal, after loading the steam_api.dll (win32), you can access those functions without any custom DLL:
I'm using this right now in my own game project. The Steam overlay is showing up and you even can access it. Further you can ensure that the Steam client is running. But all the other common Steam features are not available this way.
Then I stumbled upon the release notes regarding Steamworks SDK v1.32 (February 2015). One note reads as follows:
Added an auto-generated 'flat' C-style API for common Steamworks features (steam_api_flat.h).
At this point the exploration begins.

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I want to continue in an upcoming post. But feel free already to comment, to correct me or to give some advice regarding the possibilities of using that 'flat' C-style API.

Steam Wrapper Mac 2019
