Shortcut For Footnotes In Word

Footnotes are often used to explain text or to give a bibliographical source for a piece of text. If you are writing a research paper, you might want to know some footnote abbreviations. Following are lists of abbreviations and their respective explanations. This is useful not only when you are writing a paper yourself, but also as you read articles, books and other research material.

  1. Shortcut For Footnotes In Word 2013
  2. Shortcut For Endnote In Word Mac
  3. Shortcut For Adding Footnote In Word Mac
Shortcut For Footnotes In Word
  • After entering a footnote or endnote, Word seems to leave you stranded. Fortunately, a quick keyboard shortcut will take you back to the spot where you were working in your document.
  • Click on the Insert Citation toolbar button (keyboard shortcut: Alt-2 ). How do I use EndNote 8 in Word? Adding Citations to a Word DocumentPosition the cursor in the Word document where you would like to put the citation.Click on the EndNote tab to see all the EndNote commands.Go to EndNote icon in Word (this will open your EndNote Library)In.
  • Most Word users learn quickly that pressing Ctrl+A selects the entire document-except headers, footers, footnotes, and endnotes. Rory was hoping for a macro that would select and update the field.
Footnote Abbreviations

Common Footnote Abbreviations

How to quickly insert footnote in Microsoft Word @office365 @office #MicrosoftWordStep 1. Want to insert footnotes in Microsoft Word?Step 2. For footnote pre.

Many footnote abbreviations have a Latin origin and are still used widely today. You will find these abbreviations in bibliographiesand references pages too, in addition to the footnotes you may find on the content pages directly.

Shortcut For Footnotes In Word 2013

Here is a list of the most common footnote abbreviations:

  • anon. - anonymous
  • ante. - before
  • ca. or c. (circa) - around a given date, as in c. 1999 (around 1999)
  • cf. - short for the Latin 'confer' or 'conferatur,' meaning to compare, particularly one piece of material to another for reference and context
  • ch. or chs. - chapter or chapters
  • ed. or eds. - edition, edited by, or editors, depending on context
  • et al. - and others, used when multiple authors as associated with a particular work
  • et seq. - and the following
  • Ibid. or ibidem - 'in the same place,' when referencing a work that had already been quoted and cited
  • j. or ff. - following page or pages
  • l. or ll. - line or lines
  • loc. cit. or loco citato - in the place cited, to indicate the repetition of a title and page number of a work already cited
  • ms, mss - manuscript or manuscripts
  • n.d. - no date
  • n.p. - no place of publication
  • op. cit. or opere citato - in the work cited, similar to ibid in referencing a previously cited work
  • p. or pp. - page or pages
  • passim - all over, here and there, referencing something that is found at several places in a cited text
  • q.v. or quod vide - go to another place, directing the reader to go see somewhere else
  • rev. - revised
  • trans. or tr. - translated
  • v. inf. or vide infra - see below
  • v. sup or vide supra - see above
  • vol. or vols. - volume or volumes

Style Guides and Formatting

The format used for the footnote abbreviation depends on the style selected for the document. APA, the style provided by the American Psychological Association, is a commonly-used style for social science research papers; however, the preferred format may be different based on the instutution or company.

You may find that your teacher and class call for MLA format instead, or if you're partaking in a journalistic endeavor, the AP style by the Associated Press or the Chicago Manual of Style may prevail instead.

Shortcut For Endnote In Word Mac


Shortcut For Adding Footnote In Word Mac

Before putting together your works cited page, and before adding footnotes to your research paper, confirm with your teacher or professor about the preferred format.