Audiorealism Bass Line 2
AudioRealism Bass Line 3.2 update includes several new features & improvements which emulates the Roland TB-303 even better.
KVR Audio News: AudioRealism has released Bass Line 2 and announced the renaming of AudioRealism Bass Line Pro to AudioRealism Semi Modular (ASM). Amongst the new features in Bass Line 2 the most important thing is. Mar 17, 2013 AudioRealism Bass Line 2 (ABL2) is a simple analog modeling technique. Create a DSP-algorithm that accurately emulates every aspect of the original 303, from growling basses to hollow middles and beeping highs with metal rattling accents.
AVAILABLE NOW: AudioRealism Bass Line 3.3.0 (ABL3x) Our 303 emulation ABL3 has been improved with the following features: - Apple M1 and Intel compatible (native M1) - Three audio engines to choose from (can be switched on the fly) - Distortion and drive from ABL2 makes a come back - Shuffle with MPC timing modes. Bass Line 2 (or ABL2) is a great TB-303 emulator made by Swedish synthesizer and audio software company, Audiorealism. The latest version, released in 2007 includes an updated more realistic filter, cleaner bass tone, and a more consistent built-in distortion. Legendary silver box, which is a hallmark in electronic music, recreated in the AudioRealism Bass Line 2 (ABL2) plugin. The DSP algorithm was developed using analog modeling techniques that faithfully simulate every aspect of the original TB 303, from growling bass to dull mids and booming highs with an accent of metallic rattle.
If you look for plugins that emulate the iconic Roland TB-303, then you will soon end up with the AudioRealism Bass Line 3 Synthesizer. Recently, this plugin got competition from Roland, the original manufacturer of the vintage hardware device. Although there is now a second very good emulation, AudioRealism has not stopped the development of other Bass Line 3 and today released the 3.2 update with many new features and improvements.
The new AudioRealism Bass Line 3.2 Synthesizer includes major improvements for the sound engine, additional sound manipulation options (VCO mode, de-clicking in the audio engine, …), expanded MIDI functionalities and more.
Audiorealism Bass Line 2 Free
New In Bass Line 3.2
- Extended MIDI Learn: Mapping Classic view functions to standard MIDI keys. This allows for programming patterns directly from your MIDI controller.
- Mapping of MIDI CC to Advanced Random functions, including pattern length.
- Automation/MIDI CC control of Gate Trim and other parameters.
- Change VCO Mode to give variations, mostly affecting pulse width center point in tuning. 2 is the “normal” mode tuned to our 303. Some 303s sound like 1, others sound more like mode 3.
- Added Bass Boost control to Setup Page.
- Added VCF Trim control to Setup Page.
- Added Improve Emulation setting on Setup page. This allows to switch between the ABL3.1.1 and ABL3.2.0 engine for comparison. Bass Boost and VCF Trim settings has no effect in when Improve Emulation is off.
- Changed: Reso Trim knob boosts Resonance slightly more in 3.2.0.
- Changes to Accent circuit model, adding more energy to the accent build up [303 engine].
- Pattern View: Added paging to quickly flip between 16 steps by clicking left or right of the scrollbar.
- Pattern View: expanded scrollbar hit area by a few pixels.
- In Classic Edit mode Added shift (or right mouse button click) DOWN, UP, ACCENT to replicate the Time mode functions of the 303.. .
- Import TB-03 Pattern menu option now allows to import .pat files from ABL1,ABL2 and ABL3. These do not affect the synth settings (cutoff, reso etc).
- Additional de-clicking in audio engine.
AudioRealism ABL3 is available now for $95 USD /95€ and is compatible with VST/AU plugin formats. Update 3.2 is free of charge for existing users.
More information here: AudioRealism
Audiorealism Bass Line2 Abl2
ABL2或AudioRealism低音2是轻量级的应用程序设计为一个合成器插件,可以帮助音乐家记住并播放的音模式。 不仅该程序作为一个数字娱乐的低音,但它也是由提供充分的同步,与主序的选择。
功能,应用的地址的用户有一些基本的知识,对如何创建模式的使用幻灯片的口音和关系。 幻灯片,例如,可以添加一个特殊的效果时引进的一个步骤,因为它使该注意到的声音更长的时间。
然后再一次,如果接下来注意不滑行的距或不休息–然后注意,不能延长。 尽的关系作为有关,你可以模拟一项通过创建一步注意和滑行编程,一个在第一个步骤。 正如你可能暗示,这第二步骤需要你使用一个注销。
口音是另一种特殊的效果可以考虑添加一个步骤。 这取决于如何很多后续的口音你的包括int的模式,可以结束了一个很有趣的组合的声音,所以你没有限制的时候,表达自己的创造力,在这个意义上。
ABL2 या AudioRealism बास लाइन 2 एक हल्के आवेदन के रूप में बनाया गया एक सिंथेसाइज़र प्लग में मदद कर सकते हैं कि संगीतकारों याद और प्लेबैक बास पैटर्न. इतना ही नहीं कार्यक्रम के रूप में कार्य एक डिजिटल मनोरंजन का बास, लेकिन यह भी प्रदान करने के लिए पर्याप्त के साथ तुल्यकालन मेजबान sequencer के अपनी पसंद है.
कार्यक्षमता-बुद्धिमान, आवेदन के पते, जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को कुछ बुनियादी ज्ञान है, पर कैसे बनाने के लिए पैटर्न का उपयोग कर स्लाइड, लहजे और संबंधों. स्लाइड्स, उदाहरण के लिए, जोड़ सकते हैं एक विशेष प्रभाव जब शुरू में एक कदम के रूप में यह बनाता है नोट्स ध्वनि रह गया है ।
तो फिर, तो अगले नोट नहीं सरकना करने के लिए पिच या विश्राम नहीं है – तो नोट नहीं बढ़ाया जा सकता है. के रूप में दूर के रूप में संबंधों के रूप में संबंध है, आप अनुकरण कर सकते हैं में से एक बनाने के द्वारा एक कदम नोट और एक स्लाइड प्रोग्राम में से एक पर पहला कदम है । के रूप में आप शायद संकेत दिया था, दूसरे चरण के लिए जरूरत पर जोर देता आप रोजगार के लिए एक बंद ध्यान दें.
लहजे कर रहे हैं एक और विशेष प्रभाव आप कर सकते हैं जोड़ने पर विचार करने के लिए एक कदम है । कैसे पर निर्भर करता है कई बाद लहजे आप शामिल पूर्णांक पैटर्न, आप कर सकते हैं के साथ अंत में एक काफी दिलचस्प संयोजन के लिए लगता है, तो आप नहीं की सीमा है जब यह आता है करने के लिए अपनी रचनात्मकता को व्यक्त करने में यह भावना है.
ABL2 or AudioRealism Bass Line 2 is a lightweight application designed as a synthesizer plug-in that can help musicians memorize and playback bass patterns. Not only does the program act as a digital recreation of the bass, but it is also made to provide adequate synchronization with the host sequencer of your choice.
Functionality-wise, the application addresses users who have some basic knowledge on how to create patterns using slides, accents and ties. Slides, for instance, can add a special effect when introduced into a step as it makes the notes sound longer.
Then again, if the next note does not glide to the pitch – or is not rested – then the note cannot be extended. As far as ties as concerned, you can simulate one by creating a step note and a slide programmed one on the first step. As you probably hinted, the second step entails you employ a note off.
Accents are another special effect you can consider adding to a step. Depending on how many subsequent accents you include int the pattern, you can end up with a quite interesting combination of sounds, so you do not have limits when it comes to expressing your creativity in this sense.