Ambigram Creator

  1. Ambigram Generator types. Currently there are three types of ambigram generator, two for rotational ambigrams and one for mirror ambigrams. Ambimatic type ambigram generators. We will call the first and oldest type of ambigram generators, ambimatic type generators. These generators are a sort of brute force approach to making ambigrams.
  2. The phrases 'ambigram maker', 'ambigram generator' and 'ambigram creator' refer to the technology developed by FlipScript for the purpose of creating ambigram designs from user specified text. The term 'use' means to use, run, access or create.

Ambigram Creator Free Download

An ambigram is a word or combination of words that can be read in more than one direction. There are many types of ambigrams, with the most popular types being rotational ambigrams, and mirror ambigrams. Coincidentally, these are also the types that can be made with an online ambigram generator. (For a complete list of types, see Wikipedia.)

60 Best free ambigram generators that you can use to create ambigram art. You can use these cool ambigram font designs as a logo and other projects. Different types of Ambigrams include rotational, reflective, and 3-dimensional Ambigrams, among which flip script or rotational ambigram. Ambigram Generator – Best Free Ambigram Generators. An ambigram generator is one of the best way that help you to type two names, words or texts and turn them into a unique looking ambigram. This guide will not only help you to learn almost anything about ambigram generators but also provide you different sources to create your desired ambigrams.

Ambigram Generator types

Currently there are three types of ambigram generator, two for rotational ambigrams and one for mirror ambigrams.

Ambimatic type ambigram generators

We will call the first and oldest type of ambigram generators, ambimatic type generators. These generators are a sort of brute force approach to making ambigrams. Here you ‘simply’ make an ambigram for each letter combination in the alphabet. I say simply, but that means 26×26=676 ambigram glyphs! All of which need to have a similar style on top of that. The only plus is that someone trying to make such a font only has to make half of the letters, as the other half is the flipped version of a letter that is already created. E.g. ‘ga’ is the inverse of ‘ag’.

Because these generators can only map one letter to one letter, the resulting ambigram will have a limited complexity. In theory, it is possible to add combined letters to this type of generator. E.g. ‘m’ flips to ‘ui’, but the amount of ambigram glyphs would very quickly grow to crazy amounts. One collection of such ambigrams is called an ambigram font. It should however not be confused with a computer font, as it would never be possible to map a full ambigram font to a single keyboard.


Ambimatic type generators are currently the most popular type of generator, mostly because they are one of the simplest generators to make. On our website, we currently host over five unique ambigram fonts of the rotational type.

These type of fonts are said to be good for ambigram tattoo designs.

Flipscript type ambigram generators

The second type of ambigram generator is much more advanced than the ambimatic type. This type of generator is currently only used by the flipscript website and its exact algorithm is a closely guarded secret.

However, the basic structure of this algorithm can be easily inferred from the output. Instead of making individual letter combinations, flipscript makes smaller parts called ambigram curves. Once you have enough curves, you can mix and match them to create letter pairs for almost any letter combination. Imagine that you have three curves that have the shape of ‘L’, ‘I’ and ‘i’. These can be combined into ‘ui’ and upside down become ‘m’, hence solving what ambimatic type ambigram generators cannot.

A generator like this will work with about 20-30 well picked curves, but if you want flipscript type quality you will need many more curves. It is said that their database contains over 5 million curves. Needless to say, nobody managed to create a second flip script type generator to date.

Mirroring ambigram generators

The third type of ambigram generator is the mirroring type. Compared to the other two, these are about as complex as ambimatic type generators or simpler. The simplest is the lake reflection font, where each letter is a reflected horizontally, like it is half submerged in a lake. This font only needs 26 letters, as the letters simply reflect themselves. Our generator has a simplified version of such a font by Daan Jutteman, but a fully interactive version can be found on fontmeme.

Wall or vertical reflected ambigrams would work in the same way as an ambimatic type generator. This type does not exist yet though. Although we are working on one.

Ambigram generator History

Ambigram generators are around for about a quarter century now, with the very first being brought online by David Holst in 1996. He called this generator the ambigrammatic or abimatic. The ambigram glyphs were made in a program called FutureSplash Animator, a primitive Adobe Illustrator like program that allowed users to draw auto-curves.

The ambimatic stayed online until 2011, after which the domain started pointing to flipscript. After that the ambimatic font became unavailable for use until it was brought back and was redrawn for our website. There are some unsanctioned mobile apps that use this font, but since they are not on the official app store, we advise against using them.

The ambimatic stayed uncontested for a few years until in 2005 flipscript launched their website and generator. Their main font ‘fyrewater’ was designed by Daniel Dostal and John Langdon, and is claimed to be the world’s most advanced ambigram font. It is a very calligraphic font with many swirls and curls. Their other font is called ‘Wyndestorm’, created by Daniel and Nikita Prohorov is a much less swirly and has a more ‘sans-serif’ design.

Somewhere around 2008 Jean-Paul Davalan launched his own ambigram generator on his website. This was an ambimatic type generator. In 2020 makeambigrams came online. This website brought back and remade several old fonts and converted several existing fonts to work with our generator. The Ambint font was specifically commissioned for this site from Manoj Mhapankar

To our knowledge no other generators have been made, apart from websites and apps that stole existing fonts.

An ambigram generator is one of the best way that help you to type two names, words or texts and turn them into a unique looking ambigram. This guide will not only help you to learn almost anything about ambigram generators but also provide you different sources to create your desired ambigrams.

In the world where new things are coming out every day and new technology is being used so extensively, you need to keep up with the trends and make something that is trendy yet unique. Innovation is the key to success in this fast world of change. If you are unique, you have more chance of succeeding. If you are the same as everyone as, there is no way you are going to get the extra attention that you need.

Many people around the world would love to use Ambigram generators for their personal use. As you know that you can also use them in tatto designs that will not only help you to make your tattoos designs more creative and unique. But If you are tattoos maker then ambigram designs will increase your popularity in the industry. However many people will use them in web design and graphic design work to make their designs more stylish.

To be unique in a business, you need to have a unique name and a logo so that you can appear unique amongst the pool of people doing the same thing. For this, companies and individual business runners are using free Ambigram Generators. This is one of the simplest ways to be different and creative at the same time.

What is Ambigram Generator?

For those of you who do not know, an Ambigram is a font or a way of writing something in a way that it remains the same or its meaning or look changes when its orientation is changed. The best example of this is a logo for any company that looks different when viewed from above and different when looked from the side.

There are free Ambigram Generators available on the internet that can help those new businesses that want to create creative logos but do not have the financial means to hire someone and nor do they have the experience to design one themselves. In such cases, it is advisable to take help from these online, free Ambigram Generators so that the task is made easier is cheap.

The logo of a company is very important. It is the one thing that a company or business is recognized by and it later becomes the identity of the company. Thus, the logo needs to be unique and catchy so that it gets stuck in the minds of your customers.

If you are especially looking for Ambigram fonts then you can have a look on our another article in which we have shared almost all popular fonts of ambigram that you can use to make your designs even more better. We try out best to bring you some of the creative designs and will keep this list up to date. So you will always have acess to the best ambigram designs in the market for free.

Best Free Ambigram Generators

The first and most obvious reason to use these generators is that they are free of cost. This means that even new businesses can use these generators without having to pay a penny. Using this, you can also come up with a title for your company that is different from others and it can be creative enough to attract customer’s attention. When the brand image gets stuck in the customer’s mind, it ensures that more sales will take place and it also guarantees customer satisfaction.

Best Free Ambigram Creator

There are quite a lot of free Ambigram Generators present and we have compiled a list of the best ones for you to use. You can use it whether you have been in business for a long time and want to give your logo a new look or you are starting a new business. No matter what the case is, these generators will not disappoint you at all.You can just scroll down the list and when you find the one that you feel is the best, use it instantly.

As we have discussed that some people would specially design ambigram tattoos that will completely different from ordinary tattoos. We have shared some of the most popular ambigram generators in below list. However, if you are related to web design industry and want to use these ambigrams in your graphics work then you can browse your desired ambigrams specially designed for web designers.

After browsing below list we are sure that you will find a suitable ambigram for your new project. As these all ambigram designs comes from most popular designers and already used in many popular designs on the web. So if you browse them one by one we hope you will be able to find perfect one for yourself.

Phone Ambigram


Child’s Play

Ambigram For Neckles & Tattos




Antique Dribble


City Of Borotherly Love

Def P & Beatbuster


Dirty Clean


Ektopia Ambigram




Fate Ambigram


Ambigram Generator

Harry Potter

Judith Ambigram

Jesue Satan


Illuminati Diamond


Ambigram 1

Love Hate


One Blood One Love



Ambigram Generator

Peta Ambigram

Phat Beats

Right Wrong


Raffles Cafe


Practice Perfect


Ambigram Creator With Different Fonts

San Francisco

Sarah & Greg

Selin nur

Steve Chery


Ambigram Generator


Ambigram Creator Free

Yi Yang Ambigram

Ambigram Creator Online

Ambigram Generator


Ambigram Creator Free Online

Wedding Invite